
Showing posts from August, 2018

Inside the forest.

And I realise thereafter that this was an experience I had been longing for. Tracing what eventually formed up the system which has prevailed past the centuries before the humankind opens you up to a phenomenal process and several reasons to utter an amazement. We were in a forest. A forest trail. Maharana Pratap Trail. And this was a reason enough to find all kinds of evens and odds about a trek. Dr. Sunil Dubey, an elite person, a naturalist, an ecologist, a scientist, what not and an extremely humble man exposed us to a hundreds of plants species, trees, the understoreys and their stories. Penning down everything to a precision would be a treacherous task but the 24 of us were trying hard. Clouds were hovering all the afternoon and winds were palpable on the climb. We were moving down the hill now. Towards Badi Lake. Because we were moving down the slope, my classmates were walking a bit slow. Among those grasses as tall as me, I was trying to make it a bit fast and move on th