
Showing posts from 2021

'Sold' : Urban Transcripts - The Journal

Referring to a poem which I had written sitting in my room on the roof lit by fairy lights, " Sold ", in the city of Ahmedabad. When I was writing it, I remember writing it multiple times. The process involved writing different lines at different times on different days. I started with, "there is a giant mountain behind another mountain...", and then in the following weeks I started writing about the roads, the rivers, the night. Eventually, this got sewn into a feeling which I wanted to share. A feeling of running out of affordability to make certain choices after having made certain choices. And thence came my favourite line - For the future's lure, my breath is sold .  It got published in the 'LAND' issue Volume 3, No.3 AUTUMN 2020 of The Urban Transcripts Journal where I presented the poem as an expression from a migrant student. May find the link as  Sold - a letter from the city

Dear Spiti -2

This is in continuation to  Dear Spiti  . Landscapes are the underpinnings of any form of life. Experimentations in the field have long been resolving ways for human needs and practices, impacting biodiversity through changing inter-dependencies. Traversing in a Himalayan region proffers a deep understanding of the relation between landscapes and their impact on life forms.  I wrote some notes from a journey undertaken in the summer of May 2019 from the Lesser Himalayas, towards the Greater Himalayas, and transcending the Trans-Himalayas.  A spectacular transition can be observed from the forest landscapes (Shimla Hills) to the barren landscapes (Spiti Valley). It is further revealed how altitude variation exacts upon to lead a cold mountain desert from a lush green jungle.  The weaving of culture into landscapes is extremely profound. I observed that while faith becomes a pioneer steward of the local landscapes, human practices can offer controlled and sensitive stewardship through th