Dear Spiti -2

This is in continuation to Dear Spiti .

Landscapes are the underpinnings of any form of life. Experimentations in the field have long been resolving ways for human needs and practices, impacting biodiversity through changing inter-dependencies. Traversing in a Himalayan region proffers a deep understanding of the relation between landscapes and their impact on life forms. 

I wrote some notes from a journey undertaken in the summer of May 2019 from the Lesser Himalayas, towards the Greater Himalayas, and transcending the Trans-Himalayas.

 A spectacular transition can be observed from the forest landscapes (Shimla Hills) to the barren landscapes (Spiti Valley). It is further revealed how altitude variation exacts upon to lead a cold mountain desert from a lush green jungle. 

The weaving of culture into landscapes is extremely profound. I observed that while faith becomes a pioneer steward of the local landscapes, human practices can offer controlled and sensitive stewardship through their interwoven cultural and traditional practices.

The essay can be found in the UPenn blogs - Ian McBlog Series 1<WORLD2

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डरती हूँ मैं

याद ही है तेरी बस!

Dear Spiti